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I now carry carpenter's chalk to use on your box calls. It is the best type of chalk to use so your box call doesn't "squeek".

This chalk doesn't have the waxes that some chalk does.

I've taken the original half-cake, and cut it into quarters, so it fits in the box call better.

It does have some "flaking" of the pieces, but it came to me this way.

5 pieces

10 pieces

Pocket Slate Cedar with Red Slate & Cedar Plexiglass Striker

Pocket Slate Curly Maple Red Slate with Curly Maple Plexiglass Striker

Pocket Slate Cherry Grey/Green or Red Slate with Cherry Plexiglass Striker

Pocket Slate Black Walnut Red or Grey/Green Slate with Black Walnut Striker


Purple Heart, Hickory, or Plexiglass Shafts

CROTCH CUT is the area at the "Y" of a tree.

Very beautiful, but also very hard to find.

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